Blindfoldedmonkey: 2014 FEBRUARY PERFORMANCE

Monday 3 March 2014


We hit again an eminent profitable month. For our clients we made only in February between 3,17% and 13,38%.

The SP500 in that month only made 4,31% after the bad January.

  • On yearly basis - YTD - we have done between 5,56% and 25,65%. 
  • On YTD the S&P500 made only 0,60%.

Our performance:

In each quarter in the last few years we beat the market and beat the alpha. How could we do this fascinating performance so far in 2014? Because we bet on commodities like oil, gold, coffee..etc. Because we saw some bullish patterns in last December and as we are trendfollowers we sit on the positions and still holding so far.

If you want to be our investor and want to take part from our success, you can open an account here at our Swiss Managed Account Service:

The BFM Assets Team.

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